Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Big Rock Dome

Today we took a 5.5 mile hike very close to Saddlebrooke called the Big Rock Dome.  This was a hike that was also shared with ATV type vehicles.  The reward was getting to the top to see the great view below.  There was also a sprinkling of Saguaro which we always love to see.

During our hiking break Dave is attempting to figure out his Garmin hiking device.   He's going to a workshop in a few days to learn how to use it better.  At least he is outfitted in all the fashionable hiking gear.

I think this is where our house is, looking at it from the Big Rock Dome.

At 5pm tonight we saw a coyote run up a hillside in the neighborhood.  Unfortunately my phone camera photos were too poor to upload onto this blog.  A few seconds after the coyote went into the "bush" five Saddlebrooke deer came out.  We were surprised how close these "enemies" were to each other.

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