Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More Owls

Now the nightly "owl hunt" has become an adventure.  Last night we headed out to find the owls in their usual spot but there was nothing.  Not even any hooting.  I hooted, but none hooted back.  So we headed back to the house and there it was - a hoot.  So we followed it and soon we heard several owls hooting back and forth.

Listening lead us straight to an owl on a roof.  A few minutes later his mate joined him.  They were very active, then one flew straight towards us.  We were not afraid.  Luckily the owl was only flying to a branch on the tree right in front of us.  We had never been that close to a Great Horned Owl before.

Unfortunately, even though we were so close, it was getting too dark for any photos.  But maybe tomorrow, or the next day I'll have some.

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