Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wildlife, finally!

This was a good couple of days for seeing animals that we have been longing to see.

Two nights ago on our 6pm walk down to grab some mesquite logs (that's another story), I thought I heard an owl hoot.  Then within a couple of minutes who flew by but a lovely Great Horned Owl, right in front of us, to land on a golf green to kill some rodent.  He stayed on the green for a minute (while crushing the meal, I suppose), then took off to a nearby roof.  Seconds later his mate flew right by us to land on the same roof.  Of course, we didn't have our camera or binocs with us, but at least we think we know the area where they nest so we will hunt them down again.

And this morning on our way to a very nice estate sale I yelled out "Javelina!".  Of course, Dave never sees these things, but he pulled over.  I was uncomfortable about "parking" in the golf cart lane but we had no choice if we wanted to see the pigs.  We quietly walked back up the street to where they were and I got a few pics with my phone.  They were really neat to see, but spooked easily.

I hope to get better photos next time.  This photo only shows two brave pigs but there were at least eight in the herd.

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