Saturday, January 10, 2015

Things are improving!

Today, with the help of my 93 year old step-father, we made some adjustments to the plumbing and have hot water in the showers.All these little secret button, knobs, and timers that we didn't know about, but now do.  One more thing off the list.

The most difficult part of this living, for now, is the lack of "tools" that we are used to having at home.  When I was making dessert and needed to "beat the whites until stiff" I realized, with what?  There is no Kitchenaid, no hand mixer, nothing.  Then I discovered the old fashioned, 1930s hand egg beater.  Well to use that to make stiff whites made me break out into a sweat.  Women who made meringues in the 1930s had no need for a health club using this thing.   When Dave wanted to saw a piece of wood, don't ask my why, he had to use the top of the plastic garbage can as his workbench.  So you can see how difficult living is here. :-)

At least we took a stroll and discovered this stream about one mile from our house.  I have a feeling that this water will be all dried up in a matter of weeks as the temperatures rise.  Saw a few deer, but none of the elusive javelina.

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